Is Technology Making Us Better? Or A Lot Worse.

Is Technology Making Us Better? Or A Lot Worse.

Every once in a while I wonder if having the fastest car or the fastest jet in reference to technology is actually a benefit to society. As years pass by we view many interesting things that continue to push our buttons making us need more antidotes or medicine.

One observation is that technology is making us lazy as a society. We have conversations with small internet-based computers. (Alexa) And for some people, they are now trying to marry their doll companions. Are we actually OK with it becoming the normal function of society that we would actually enjoy speaking to something that does not speak back? Or speaking back to a small internet-based supercomputer that is only being put into society to teach it and the internet how to communicate better with every human as a collective consciousness.

Imagine yourself actually stumbling across a silver disc or craft from space and stepping inside of the craft to only find that it and the entire ship interacted the same as Alexa in your home. Cool right? Now imagine a world where 15 years from now has passed and all that you see of the future happens to be one of fewer people. This is exactly where a world with less movement and interaction is headed.

I believe this is where we are going in this world. Because as we continue to move less and think less as a society we will also cease to be challenged internally. The neuropathways of the brain will cease to function as they do today giving us a lesser understanding that we actually need to stay driven to move forward as a collective. Somewhere we lost drive. Through the years I hear many men state they have less testosterone count and I see more women taking on the role that men once have. This is leading to more of the women actually at a higher risk of heart disease as before and men less likely feeling sorry for themselves or having to induce more testosterone which desensitizes many from never seeking the “natural” ability to create testosterone naturally in the body.

I believe after quite a bit of research that we are consuming many everyday foods that are slowing down the natural cycles of our lives. I also believe that just as our technology has continued to slow us down that we will see our food slowly becoming technology-based to follow the same cycle.

The food of today is not at all what we knew it to be in 1980 and it never will be so it will lead many to seek new foods to consume for natural health. This will create confusion and problems that have issues finding new food items to consume. And for many, they may pass on or wish they would after having to change their eating habits.

Clearly what we eat and how we circulate daily is ultimately going to be the future of many of our outcomes as humans. But as you look around it seems that people are consistently looking for a new diet or a new “product” to try…especially for energy or balance. After looking into these products myself I can say this is also a form of deterioration on the body daily.


Coffee that makes you balanced, energy for 12 hours, & so on. There are products by the thousands offering you a ketogenic based ability also. It makes me wonder if technology never played a role in our daily routines if we would have made it?

The bottom line is basically pretty simple. If we are insufficient in a vitamin or a mineral and we continue to take it in an unnatural way we will have to do triple to work efficiently to gain it back naturally if we ever want to do so. (That is if it is even possible) This is a fact and it’s one that we should look at before we start taking any product or service. We all want to look good; but feeling good is better at least if we want to continue to exist in this dimension on Earth. The faster we get it seems that many of us may also be speeding up our race to the grave as well.

I will continue to start listing examples here to help many decide if the technology we all seek is helping them or hurting us?

Kevin J. Ste. Marie