So Many Thoughts Tonight…Here Are The Top 10.

So many times I sit and think about how long 38 years really have been. And really they don’t seem long enough to experience everything I have ever wanted to see in the life I am currently experiencing. But here are some things I have realized.

  1. Life really does depend on you. We always stress ourselves over so many things…can’t we just write things down and experience what we really want instead of continuing to bring more stress back to us by thinking about it all the time?
  2. We have no idea what will happen when we experience death so experience life as much as you can. As much as we can argue about what to believe in on this planet we should take the time to REALLY experience life. It’s inevitable we will pass on…so passing the time should really be spent exactly how we want it to be.
  3. We are all going to experience happiness and sadness. It’s part of life simply, and I am so thankful for these amazing experiences of learning through others in my life. Yes hurt is in there too but I say bring it on if it’s needed because thinking I am a victim simply is not the style I want to experience.
  4. Eating burgers everyday really has it’s benefits…I’m sorry if eating cow was so bad then let me just be bad…I honestly have never seen anyone eat a burger and not smile. It really is the food of happiness.
  5. Music really does allow us to release negativity, experience joy, and can bring us into a memory depending on the frequency. I have researched this theory since I was 12 years of age listening to Gershwin, Caruso, & even some as far out as Danzig, and as amazing as Smetana’s The Fatherland who well known Military Physicist & Electronic Genius Preston Nichols claims that he even was told the songs frequency he received directly from God himself. I have listened to them all for years and even while sleeping and I can honestly say through this amazing research…there is absolutely a key to living the life you want to experience while here. It’s not that this practice will happen over night but while trying certain tones…around you especially while meditating or sleeping you can and will have random experiences. This was always what amazing inventor and so much more Nikola Tesla was saying when he said…Everything can be explained through sound and frequency. It’s something you have to experience for yourself to understand but I know it is what keeps me driven and if you believe that it does not hold a strong merit then ask yourself this question…Where would your life be if you never heard music…or your child’s voice say mommy or daddy for the first time.
  6. Being weird or different should be smiled upon more. I see so many people experiencing judgement on this planet just because they are being themselves…or even just feeling who they are. I say give them a camera or a paint brush and a canvas. Remember judgmental spelled backwards is mental judge….it makes sense.
  7. Being connected to God is truly what you will find is the real key to so many of your parents and grandparents staying together for 50+ years. Do your own research on this one and tell me what you come up with.
  8. Angels do exist but not at all like we are led to believe. I have studied this as much as humanly possible and I have learned that we started being lied to sometime around the 13th century. Start there with your research if interested but my experience with angels are that they really do love us as much as we can ever imagine…and maybe more than that.
  9. Everyday before I go to bed I truly do get a little cross that I have to quit what I am working on. I love my clients I love the things that I do I grow daily and learn from every one of these amazing things and beautiful things that I have been able to feel. Here is a secret. buy a camera and look through the lens with your eye. Turn off the outer display viewfinder option. Experience life with one eye and when you open both again realize that when you pass on… and see that as a soul you really are like one giant window open to the world… that you will then see that when you close them both… and feel with all the love in your heart that you will feel the exact same way!
  10. Live daily that when you pray the words “If I die before I wake” then that will be just fine. Release all fear and ego…it truly is the key to extreme inner peace. I hear so many people say I can’t stop fearing for my family…I get it…but the one thing I learned from Yeshua is that when the world changed his name to Jesus, they did it for a reason. It’s amazing that so many people have not figured out why. But I will give you a hint…The letter “J” was never in the Aramaic language it was added later when we experienced the English language. The Spanish language has two sounds that we say everyday the “Wa” sound as well as the “H” sound. Ex. Jalapeno. Take a piece of paper and write the word Jesus using these basic sounds from our Spanish friends….You will find two separate words read them to yourself….the two words you see are really the truth. In his teachings it is said that the flesh is not to be worshiped. When we leave the flesh, or the vessel we are a soul. If we are still attached we will not experience what is beyond the world we live in.