We Are Here To Experience Interesting…
Great memories (good or bad) are learning experiences that allow us to grow, and share those experiences with others when someone needs it the most. We are all connected. We are all here to benefit each other in some special way. We are here to experience interesting. If you don’t believe this then do yourself a favor…go through your phone and take all of the pictures out of it. (or just scroll through it) See the smiles, see the memories, and take the time to see through the months, years, and weeks, what is important to you. The phone has taken away so many great conversations but the one thing that it does is teach us where we are at the moment allowing us to grow continuously. So snap away and remember to share the experiences that are the most precious that you see (while flipping through your memories) because as I sit here and view about 100 amazing memories just in my phone it’s the one way I know it’s true. Thank you for reading and don’t ever forget to make your own memories. Even the horrible memories taught me something and allow me to share those experiences to help others make better decisions….just don’t ever be afraid to learn from someone or from a book.